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This site is hosted by Aabaco Small Business. Aabaco Small Business hosts the store pages, ordering
system, and order data. Aabaco Small Business automatically collects order information but
may only use this information in the aggregate. If you accessed this store
through Yahoo Shopping, Aabaco Small Business also automatically collects information
about your shopping experience. Please see the
Yahoo Privacy Policy for more
information about how Aabaco Small Business uses this information.
Prime Cut Beef Jerky
Privacy Policy
At Prime Cut Beef Jerky we protect your credit card information and privacy by using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology (the industry standard security protocol), hosting our site on secure servers, and maintaining Secure Site status from VeriSign, the security industry leader.
Secure Credit Card Transactions
When you provide us with any personal information, such as your credit card number when making a purchase, we use SSL data encryption to ensure that no one can read as it is transmitted over the Internet. We use Cookies (small encrypted data files containing references to user ID information that are stored on our secure server and may write to your hard drive) to keep track of your shopping cart. Your information is safely stored behind a firewall that protects it from users from other networks.
Your Personal Information
To process your order, notify you of matters that may be of interest and improve your primecutbeefjerky.com shopping experience, we collect information, such as e-mail addresses, domain names, the number of visits each page receives, and other information you may volunteer. Any personal information that you submit to the site will remain as safe and secure as your credit card information. It has always been the policy of Prime Cut Beef Jerky not to share or sell our customers' personal information with any third parties except where we are legally required to do so.
Removal From PrimeCutBeefJerky.com Lists
You may receive periodic emails or postal mailings from us with information on new products and services, or upcoming events. If you do not want to receive e-mail and/ or postal mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending us an email at primecutjerky@aol.com. PrimeCutBeefJerky.com does not currently rent, sell or otherwise forward your name or other personal information to other companies.